Video: Cloud Mobility: The adoption of Containers and Kubernetes Q3

Are containers a “stepping stone” to implementing a truly serverless environment? Has their been a powershift from central control to the application developers?


Which is are containers a stepping stone to implementing a true serverless environment has there been a power shift from central control to the application developers?

Over to you Ray,

Thank you that's uh there's a lot to answer in those two questions i i hopefully i really hope that they i really hope containers are a stepping stone towards a serverless um environment i think the the lessons learned in uh particularly as matt said about uh ensuring either your application is completely stateless or in uh backing your applications with a reliable persistent volume uh uh design patterns that uh naturally lead towards serverless application delivery so yeah and the the migration the organizational uh migration away from spinning up your um your carefully curated individual virtual machine at the rate of uh one per hour as you're watching packer or something deploy this towards your container orchestration solution which is bringing up 10 of them in 10 seconds and then uh the the migration from there towards a thousands of individual functions uh responding to http requests or triggers uh coming up and disappearing at a rate of knots that you no longer need to um carefully shepherd i think uh i want to borrow uh mats um pets to cattle to uh bacteria and we were discussing yesterday because it's incredibly incredibly appropriate with regards to the degrees which you have to micromanage these solutions um and moving on to the next question i really believe that we want this to be a uh a power shift away from central control the central um tight management of this infrastructure towards uh the ability for developers to spin these up and down that's the beauty that kubernetes offers in the um in that we have role-based access control for namespace per resource and you given an awful lot of options to restrict data flow or enable flexibility for application developers to explore in a in a controlled fashion while mitigating costs and security uh concerns yeah i really hope that there is at that shift

Great Matt,

Yeah um like Ray was saying um 12 years ago i was an enterprise architect and i used to spend my time running between the operations team who told me geez those guys can't code how much memory do we need what's wrong with the java garbage recovery for memory i'd run across the developers and they'd go why do we spend thousands of dollars on computers when i can go down the corner store and buy them for 10 bucks that tension has really kind of driven where we are right because the developers went i'm not i'm not buying servers anymore and the pets thing is because the operations team used to name their service the thing they cared most about was their servers they don't have nice little names and sticky labels on them and that's where the focus was and the developers are going hang on a second the applications that run on those things are far more important so containers are cattle right and kubernetes is like a cattle shed on a farm you know we stick all the containers in there we don't care about so much about the containers we are very much focused on the applications that are running inside those containers and as we move for bacteria this transition to you know the cattle to the bacteria suddenly these little tiny serverless functions are running and doing things and leveraging all of these powerful platforms that cloud providers have built to accelerate that customer experience and our ability to create something really new and differentiated for our customers um so i think i think that's what's going on

Excellent Andrew

Yeah I think just to continue on that and i might push the analogy one step further which is um i would always suggest that you know on all these solutions and almost any of the uh any of the applications that enterprises use today data out of that is the most critical component the application effectively is nothing without data so to talk about um is there a power shift absolutely i think um and for the better we get this position where um developers can now innovate faster than ever before the innovation does ultimately send around data which in the analogy might be uh might be the grass that the cattle's eating um so i think to say that there's decentralization of control absolutely i think having said that there still needs to maintain a governance and standards with that so that whilst you whilst you do go off and innovate it still needs to be within the within the realms of various um regulatory controls or various uh enterprise um compliance controls and i think um from from the perspective of where that goes you know a lot of the work that we've been doing with netapp and others has seen us allow us to decouple the application from the data and we have we end up in this position then that we can do these uh micro services and we can do these containers that do make use of the the enterprise's asset which is the data but in a far more uh rapid and rapidly evolving way than ever before and that's the exciting part being able to to innovate almost at the speed of thought by virtue of the fact that you can decentralize the thought process and the control but you know it's also important to remember that we need to to maintain some governance just to protect that data which obviously is a really really valuable asset