Video: CIAM Q5

What is the typical maturity model for the adoption of CIAM within a business?


Question  five which is um  what is the typical maturity model  for the adoption of a siam within a  business  andy we'll start with you


Yeah sure so  we have a standard model that we see  with our customers that's  really broken out into four stages we  start with stage one where  the goal is just to ship the product we  just need users on the product on the  platform  sign them in get them doing what they  came to do 

When you move to stage two that product  is now bigger you now have a larger  team you have compliance concerns you're  sort of moving up that scale like i  described you may want to start  sso in between multiple products when  you go up to  the stage three you're then scaling that  product out  how do you do that in a market leading  way giving users good experience  and you've probably now broken that out  into multiple teams  when you get up to sort of stage four  you have an in-house identity team they  are responsible for looking after  identity for your brand and  orchestrating that across  multiple product teams you're looking at  actually how can we take market leading  approaches to  authentication


All right there you go  andreas how does that compare with your  experience


So  i but there's just and and andy covered  also all  all our experience on that one there's  just one thing what i what i would like  to add  um we're as i said in the beginning  we're developing an application that's  uh  for b2b and b2c customers so we're not  really the typical  user as an organization to use identity  management within the organization  so as a startup it was really helpful  for us to have a partner  and that's even before we started  implementing that helped us as a startup  with programs with education uh  to really make a decision for that  platform yeah and  really start implementing that and  there's actually an amazing program for  all the startups  um because every i i know 10  different startups here in in germany  they all deal with the same issues yeah  they want to deploy  sas services they need to identify their  users  some of them are thinking oh cool we  develop our own identity management  that does not make any sense if you have  a partner  that has programs in place that are  customized for  startups help them grow  into that whole area so beside of what  andy said on how that system is growing  and we see the same  we just implemented that we worked with  a couple of very amazing  partners like travonix and now we're  we're starting getting old people on  board to manage all of these users and  we  expect to have a million users on the  platform  yeah so that's uh that's that's that's  how we did it it's an important point to  also think about how do you start  beforehand


All right so quick question andy for you  i'll just throw in there so we're  talking about a million users  is there uh a limit as such  or is it unlimited in terms of numbers


Users just in terms of the budget 



You bigger bring a bring a big enough  credit card and we can do it

That's our experience


All right so  there's always a catch or  because um i know you're just starting  so  what what's your viewers to the maturity  model 


Well as you said jay we we're just sort  of starting here so we're  at the at the moment we're looking at  bringing in a a new source crm system  for the  for the company we're recently we've  sort of merged three companies into  forming the iqeq brand so we're now  looking at a separate crm solution and  with that that will then lead us to  using opera as a cim  uh so solution as well so really for us  early stage we are probably at the  startup stage and  coming to people like andy then for help  and support as to the best way to  achieve this and  break out from the the b to b because  we're now  bringing on board some elements but it's  going to be a b to c  part of our engagement um so we're  really here  starting as a as a sort of startup here