Julian Moore

Julian Moore


Jonathan Calver

Jonathan Calver

Roundtable: AI Strategies for CIOs

We will kick start this session with a 20-minute presentation from Julian Moore, an independent AI consultant, who will quickly demonstrate the “it’s-real-now-so-you-better-believe-it” capabilities of multiple AI tools.

We will then switch to a Q&A format, where we will discuss the frameworks that companies should adopt as they develop their AI strategy, and the implications for CIOs, who will be responsible for implementing the AI infrastructure in most organisations.

We encourage each participant to pre-submit one AI question, so that you can benefit from the combined wisdom of your peers.

To add further value, all questions will be published on the StrategyMix Insights Forum, so you will get even more answers to your question.

The StrategyMix Insights forum operates in very much the same way as our roundtables in the sense that we use a Q&A Format, operate under the Chatham House Rule and it is free and tightly moderated. The main benefit is that being available 24/7, the Insights online forum is a lot more convenient.

This event is closed