Leigh Hunter

Leigh Hunter


Jonathan Calver

Jonathan Calver

Developing an AI Strategy in Financial Services and Insurance

What makes this session particularly interesting is that we will be demonstrating the use of AI Agents as part of the consulting framework, to develop an AI strategy.

The AI Agents operate in two ways, firstly in the discovery process where it is the agent that is asking the questions and secondly in the synthesis of the discovery responses, which then forms the basis of the strategic plan.

Note that the agents are only assisting the process and are not formulating the final strategy. In this case, the strategy development is being led by Leigh Hunter, who has previously worked on multiple FSI assignments as the lead consultant, for the likes of PwC, IBM and PA Consulting.

This AI approach to strategic consulting has similar benefits to other AI projects: speed, quality, innovation and lower cost.

This session will be relevant for those in financial services and insurance that are looking to get started on their AI journey, by developing and implementing an AI strategy for one or more parts of their business.

Virtual Format

This demo will be run on Zoom with between 6 and 10 attendees. The small group size will allow plenty of time for questions.

One minute intro video: why attend

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