Gavin Caulthauld

Gavin Coulthauld
Technical Director ANZ


Jonathan Calver

Jonathan Calver

Managing Essential 8 Compliance

Essential 8 has become a de facto standard and is required if you want to do business with Australian government entities and many leading companies, especially those in finance and healthcare.

Compliance with Essential 8, while necessary, can be a challenge.

In this Friday Briefing, Gavin Coulthard will show you how Swimlane can help you:

  • Quickly and efficiently baseline your organisation compliance with Essential 8 with minimal investment and effort
  • Automate data collection to report against Essential 8 without the need to procure or transform existing deployed technologies
  • Solve the "Point in Time" challenge with Essential 8, so you can report on your current compliance at any time
  • Track your maturity level for each Essential 8 control, together with its audit lifecycle
  • Turn each control within Essential 8 into a trigger for automated remediation
  • Manage the evolution of Essential 8 and any changes that are made such that they can be easily and seamlessly integrated into the reporting framework  
  • Cross reference Essential 8 controls with other compliance frameworks to remove duplication of effort

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12:00 to 12:45 (AEDT)
Friday 28 February 2025

Virtual Format

4 Places Left

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