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12 blogs.

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Righting the Ship - How AI initiatives can veer off-course....and what to do about it.

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

In this week’s edition of the Path we’ll talk about some ways that AI efforts go wrong, and what teams can do about them.

How accurate is AI? - Roughly right vs highly precise

Dawid Naude, Director, Pathfindr

Is it accurate? Along with “Is my data safe”, this is the most common question about AI. We’ve all experienced mild embraces with inaccuracy, possibly even hallucination of AI models. So how accurate is AI, let’s get a bit more specific.

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

Previously, we talked about different ways to calculate value from AI implementation. We focused on the different types of value, where it could be found across an organization and the things to keep in mind when you’re trying to track it. What we DIDN’T focus on was the other side of the discussion.

10 boring problems that AI solves

Dawid Naude, Director, Pathfindr

Whilst we talk about ethics, avatars, deep fakes and other magical technology, the reality is that for most businesses, the value in AI will come from solving very boring problems. The average desk worker has a lot of boring tasks. There’s a substantial amount of download, copy, paste, save-as, etc. There’s a lot of responding to messages that could be found on the website. There’s a lot of vlookups and pivottables, meeting minutes and deal updates. We love solving boring problems, and get less excited about deep fakes and avatars.

Build vs. Buy vs. Wait

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

In this blog, Nathan Buchanan explains why strategic decisions around AI implementation can be so difficult to make.

How To Get the Most Bang for your AI Buck

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

In this blog, we will show you how to put together a value framework that will help your team decide where to invest in AI capabilities and how to maximize the return on that investment.

AI for CFOs

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

For those who think about corporate financials all day, it’s tough out there right now. That won’t come as a surprise to CFOs, or people who work in a CFO’s organization, but it was certainly a wake up call for me as I started learning on the job at Pathfindr.

99% of AI value won't be from chat interfaces

Dawid Naude, Director, Pathfindr

Chat is only incremental The biggest mistake you’re making right now is thinking about AI in terms of ChatGPT, or chat interfaces. These assistant tools are great generalist support applications and a demonstration of the incredible power of LLM’s. But. They are a single step in a process, typically involving a lot of Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v, a lot of prompting, trial and error, to get a consistent outcome.

AI - Use what's in front of you instead of figuring out where you're going.

Dawid Naude, Director, Pathfindr

The first step your company should take is learning how to use ChatGPT properly. Very few do. There’s a lot of talk of AI, and businesses need to start tinkering right away. There is a huge opportunity accessible right now, right in front of you. You can completely automate processes with autonomous agents, have all your content created automatically for your learning management platform, and even enable the equivalent of a data science team with a few clicks.

Great AI, Great AI Responsibility

Nate Buchanan, COO & Co-Founder, Pathfindr

For every article, post, or video excitedly talking about the potential of AI, there is another one warning about its dangers. Given the press and hype around each new AI breakthrough, it’s no surprise that governments, business leaders, and academics are closely tracking the development of the technology and trying to put guardrails in place to ensure public safety.

Why You Need Good AI Governance

Nate Buchanan, COO & Co-Founder, Pathfindr

It may not be everyone's favorite corporate function....but it's very necessary. No corporate buzzword elicits as many reactions - most of them negative - as “governance”. Whether it’s a Forum, Committee, or Tribe, anything governance-related is often perceived as something that gets in the way of progress, even if people acknowledge that it’s necessary.

Macro security: The risks of allowing or blocking macros and a game-changing new approach

Sam Brazier-Hollins, Head of Cyber, oobe

Like so many technologies of yester-year, macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) – the language macros are written in – were created in the days before ‘secure by design’. In this blog, Sam Brazier-Hollins, Head of Cyber, oobe gives a historical perspective on the Macro dilemma, discusses the risks of allowing and blocking macros and briefly explains how you can close the macro security gap.