It's not too late - You and your team might not be as far behind the AI adoption curve as you think.

Nate Buchanan Director, Pathfindr

In this week’s edition of The Path, we’re going to take a page out of the Gen Z playbook and do something that doesn’t come naturally to me at all - “react” to content someone else has posted.

Specifically, we’re going to unpack a particular finding in The State of Generative AI in the Enterprise, a report based on data gathered in 2023 and published by Menlo Ventures. Over 450 enterprise executives were surveyed to get their thoughts on how Gen AI adoption has been going at their companies. It’s particularly relevant for us at Pathfindr because one of our core capabilities is helping enterprises experiment with (and scale) AI applications, so we like to keep tabs on what the data says about how - and how often - companies use AI.

I found the results of this report very surprising. Based on all the hype surrounding Gen AI last year, I fully expected that many, if not most, companies would have significantly increased their budgets for AI experimentation and adoption. Instead, the survey found that across most enterprises, investment in Gen AI at the end of 2023 represents less than one percent of total cloud spend. It also found that the number of enterprises using AI increased by only 7% between 2022 and 2023, which seems like a paltry number given the intense interest in AI during that time period and the growth in its capabilities.

Think about that. Most people in the know agree that the Gen AI represents a technological shift on par with the advent of the internet (or at least the release of Pokemon Go). Yet the world’s biggest companies are soft-pedaling their investment in it. Why?

There are probably a wide range of reasons for this, some of which we’ve addressed tangentially in previous editions of this newsletter. One reason could be that decision-makers just don’t think AI is worth the spend. Another might be that budgets are being slashed everywhere, so placing a big bet on an as-yet unproven technology would be unwise. It could also be as simple as analysis paralysis: having so many options for AI tools that they don’t know where to start.

None of those seem particularly plausible. Most large companies have a stack sitting on one or more of the big hyperscalers, all of whom offer their own inbuilt AI platforms (which should make the decision to purchase one of them an easy one). And while it might appear like IT spending should have decreased with all the economic headwinds everyone’s facing, a Splunk report published in November last year forecasted total 2023 cloud expenditure to be $100M higher than it was in 2022. It’s also unlikely that any IT leader worth their salt would truly believe that AI isn’t “worth it” in this day and age. So what gives?

I think the most likely explanation is that:

  1. AI is new and poorly understood
  2. It’s hard to quantify the value from it (even if you’re convinced the value is there)
  3. Proving the value requires skills and processes that are difficult to find and build

Perhaps IT and business leaders want to spend more on AI, but they don’t because they’re not sure how they would maximize their investment. Three weeks ago this newsletter covered five safe bets that would help them address that concern in the short term. But for long term comfort, decision-makers should think about three additional considerations that will help them build the kind of rapid experimentation engine they’ll need to set their teams up for AI success in the future:

  • Train your developers - many AI capabilities today can be built unlocked with a combination of three skill sets: APIs, prompt engineering, and data science. For Gen AI specifically, those first two are all you need. Most large IT shops have people who know APIs and data - fortunately, prompt engineering is the easiest of the three to learn (albeit also the most unpredictable). All you need to do is find the members of your development team who want to upskill in this red-hot field (if they haven’t already) and give them the opportunity to put what they’ve learned to good use.
  • Be open-minded - the AI revolution is going to require all of us to think very differently about how we do everything work-related. The usual model of single-threading through one software ecosystem (i.e Microsoft, Google, Salesforce etc) is becoming increasingly limited in terms of the capabilities we are leaving on the table. There is a plethora of low-code startups and bespoke AI tools that are addressing highly specific niche use cases in the legal, health care, payments, banking, sales, and other sectors. Leaders would be wise to consider other options when deciding where to direct their AI spending if they want to get the most out of it.
  • Get the business involved - if your goal is to prove value with AI, there’s no better place to start than with the business: where the money is made. They’re the ones who may be less likely to understand how AI can help, and who might benefit the most. If you are able to involve leaders from each vertical or line of business in helping you identify the use cases they care about and (most importantly) in providing feedback on the prototypes your engineers build, your results will improve exponentially in terms of adoption and value creation.

So what does this mean for the average tech exec as they consider the current state of their AI strategy? If they haven’t started yet, they might feel as though they’re on the outside looking in. Yet the data show that at-scale implementations are exceedingly rare, and if they haven’t started yet, they’re actually in good company. The better you can identify and iterate on use cases, the more impactful your adoption will be - a lesson that many IT leaders are already taking to heart.

Other Blogs from Nate

AI for Quality Engineering

Continuing our AI series that we began in last week’s edition with our deep-dive on how AI can make a difference in private equity, this week we’ll focus on a capability instead of an industry.

AI for Private Equity

Occasionally at The Path, we like to take a break from our regular, Pultizer-worthy content to write a deep dive on how AI can make a difference in a particular industry. This week we’re focusing on private equity and how GPs and their management teams can use AI to manage risk, optimize performance, and seize opportunities that others might miss.

Good AI Governance

It may not be everyone's favorite corporate function....but it's very necessary. No corporate buzzword elicits as many reactions - most of them negative - as “governance”. Whether it’s a Forum, Committee, or Tribe, anything governance-related is often perceived as something that gets in the way of progress, even if people acknowledge that it’s necessary.

Great AI, Great Responsibility

For every article, post, or video excitedly talking about the potential of AI, there is another one warning about its dangers. Given the press and hype around each new AI breakthrough, it’s no surprise that governments, business leaders, and academics are closely tracking the development of the technology and trying to put guardrails in place to ensure public safety.

AI for CFOs

For those who think about corporate financials all day, it’s tough out there right now. That won’t come as a surprise to CFOs, or people who work in a CFO’s organization, but it was certainly a wake up call for me as I started learning on the job at Pathfindr.

Bang for your AI Buck

In this blog, we will show you how to put together a value framework that will help your team decide where to invest in AI capabilities and how to maximize the return on that investment.

Build vs. Buy vs. Wait

In this blog, Nathan Buchanan explains why strategic decisions around AI implementation can be so difficult to make.

Know What You're Signing Up For

Previously, we talked about different ways to calculate value from AI implementation. We focused on the different types of value, where it could be found across an organization and the things to keep in mind when you’re trying to track it. What we DIDN’T focus on was the other side of the discussion.

Righting the AI Ship

In this week’s edition of the Path we’ll talk about some ways that AI efforts go wrong, and what teams can do about them.

AI for Purpose

If you're a Not For Profit, you've probably heard that AI can help you address these needs, but you’re not sure where to start, or how to afford it even if you did. What can you do?

AI - The only thing to fear is inaction

Why you shouldn't be afraid to take a stab at AI in your business

AI Revolution

Spoiler Alert: No.